IBMS Provides Biomedical Science Support Staff Qualifications
17 Feb 2014
The IBMS offers two new qualifications for biomedical science support staff; the Certificate of Achievement Part I and Certificate of Achievement Part II.
These new professional vocational qualifications, launched in 2013, have been designed to support the training and development of biomedical science support staff.
The IBMS Certificates of Achievement training portfolios have been designed and tested with the help of biomedical science support staff to ensure they meet current service requirements and provide a manageable and affordable means for standardizing workplace training for biomedical science support staff.
The IBMS Certificate of Achievement Part I has been designed for biomedical science support staff working at equivalent to NHS Agenda for Change bands 2 and 3. Completing the IBMS Certificate of Achievement Part I will develop study skills, provide evidence of workplace training and enable successful candidates to apply for RSciTech registration.
The IBMS Certificate of Achievement Part II has been designed for biomedical science support staff working at equivalent to NHS Agenda for Change band 4. Completing the IBMS Certificate of Achievement Part II will develop staff knowledge and skills, provide evidence of workplace training and enable successful candidates to apply for RSci registration.
The IBMS Certificate of Achievement Parts I and II are portfolio based qualifications and provide a toolkit for completing the workplace training and assessment required to achieve these qualifications.
Each module of the portfolio defines key lab-based knowledge and skills required for discrete areas of practice. In addition to the core modules a range of optional modules allow the qualifications to be tailored to both staff and employer needs.
To find out more click on the 'request information' tab below, or to download an application form visit