ID Business Solutions expands use of BioBook with leading biotechnology company

16 Nov 2006

ID Business Solutions today announced that Serono SA has chosen to expand its use of IDBS’ electronic study management tool BioBook. Serono, a global biotechnology leader, chose BioBook after evaluating a number of options that were “very chemistry focused”.

Serono became one of the first companies to start using BioBook back in December 2005 because of its unique integration of biological functionality and chemistry tools, and its specific ability to handle preclinical science. Following a successful initial roll out, Serono has now decided to more than double its number of BioBook users.

Dr Valérie Barbié, Head of Scientific Computing at Serono Preclinical Development, commented: “What impressed us about BioBook was the application focus on preclinical science. The system is functionally comparable to Excel, but with BioBook, you are able to define access and user rights.”

Neil Kipling, founder and CEO of IDBS, added: “We are very pleased to work with specialists like Serono’s biologists. We offer them a unique integration tool with advanced data management, analysis and reporting capabilities that has saved them significant time and money.”

