IDBS’ BioBook™ - Complete data management solution for late stage discovery and preclinical research

31 Oct 2006

BioBook™ is a revolutionary data management solution specifically designed to meet the unique challenges of late stage discovery and preclinical data management.

BioBook™ is a single application that simplifies the management of complex biological data, enhancing the productivity of biologists by providing a flexible, 21 CFR compliant environment that controls each stage of the study lifecycle. Manage every aspect of your research from rapid design and set up of experiments, through data capture, analyses, curve fitting and graphing, to report creation, sign off and publication.

In its first year BioBook™ has been adopted as a global solution within Discovery Biology at Pfizer Global R&D. One leading Italian biotech company was an early adopter of BioBook, and after a successful rollout and comprehensive evaluation they have recently announced plans to more than double the number of users. An additional 10 pilots are currently planned or in progress with other leading companies.

BioBook™ can save researchers time by providing:

  • Flexible and rapid experiment design
  • Dynamic accommodation of changes to experimental assumptions such as number of compounds, treatments, subjects, measures, time points, etc.
  • Easy integration with instrument data
  • Integrated statistics and curve fitting with automatic outlier detection
  • Intuitive data pivoting, filtering and data reduction capability
  • Comprehensive tools for QA/QC and information review

BioBook™ can transform the way late stage discovery and preclinical teams work:

  • Manage valuable research data all in one place; no more excel spreadsheets and paper lab notebooks and no need for multiple applications
  • Secure intellectual property while meeting regulatory requirements
  • Reduce transcription steps; spend less time handling and manipulating data
  • Reduce the number of applications used and supported
  • Share ontology or vocabulary to standardize reporting
  • Foster collaboration and easily share information generated across the organization
  • Integrate into corporate and other 3rd party systems

