Identify proteins you could not identify before using new products from Promega

19 May 2009
Nadine Davies
Marketing / Sales

Promega introduces an innovative and simplified in-gel digestion procedure utilizing ProteaseMAX Surfactant. This new procedure offers the researcher multiple benefits:

Save time: Digestions complete in only one hour.
Eliminate gel extraction steps: Protein digestion and peptide recovery is complete in a single step.
More data: Recover longer peptides which tend to remain in the gel in conventional in-gel digestion protocols.

In addition to ProteaseMAX Surfactant, Promega now offers the following new products:

• Immobilized Trypsin
• Chymotrypsin Sequencing Grade
• Lys-C Sequencing Grade

Immobilized Trypsin offers fast digestion of purified proteins or complex mixtures. Digestions are complete in as little as 30 minutes and the protocol is easily scalable to accommodate multiple protein concentrations. Chymotrypsin and Lys-C can both be used alone or in combination with other proteases to produce protein digests for peptide mapping applications or protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting or MS/MS spectral matching. Both proteases are suitable for digestion reactions in-solution or in-gel.

Request your free sample of Immobilized Trypsin, just visit us at ASMS booth #63 to find out how.

