Improving the Freezing Stage in Freeze Drying Processes

21 Apr 2009
admin admin

SP Industries Inc., the world leader in laboratory, pilot, and production freeze dryers, has announced its next LyoLearn web seminar will be entitled 'The Freezing Stage in Freeze Drying: Fundamental Concepts'.

Chaired by Dr Henning Gieseler of the University of Erlangen (Germany) the scope of the April 29th web seminar will be to provide an insight into the fundamental concept of the freezing stage in a freeze drying cycle. Topics such as annealing or technical solutions to better control the nucleation process during the freezing step will be covered.

The monthly educational web seminars devoted to freeze-drying topics are free and follow a 30-minute format for the presentations with a Q&A session immediately afterwards. Recent web seminar topics including SMART Freeze Dryer technology and Basic Theory of Freeze Drying are available for download from the SP Industries website.

SP Industries 2009 programme of free educational web seminars cover a variety of subjects based upon the accrued knowledge of leading international industry and academic lyophilisation experts to enable you to better understood how to create robust, cost effective cycles.

For further information on future topics or to register for the April 29th web seminar please visit the link on this page or contact SP Industries on +1-845-687-5303 (+44-1473-240000 in Europe).

