In search of the perfect chocolate!

21 Jun 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Work using the Morphologi G3 automated particle characterization system from Malvern Instruments is demonstrating its efficacy for the fully automated analysis of particles in chocolate.

The measurement of chocolate has been made possible with the introduction of a new large volume wet cell for the Morphologi G3. Significantly, the data obtained correlate with critical quality tests such as ‘mouth feel’. A full report on the work can be freely downloaded by following the company article webpage link on the right hand side of the screen.

Manufacturers traditionally rely on tasting panels to assess the mouth feel of chocolate - a key determinant of the success or failure of a product. However, taste panel observations are inevitably prone to human subjectivity and variability. The Morphologi G3, equipped with a new wet cell accessory, offers a rapid, reliable and repeatable method for determining mouth feel and further characterizing chocolate in terms of particle size, shape and intensity.

The most ‘luxurious’ chocolate tested was shown to have a significantly smaller proportion of large particles, a fact consistent with chocolate that feels smooth and creamy in the mouth. The Morphologi G3 also calculates various shape factors for every particle measured, including High Sensitivity (HS) Circularity, which provides an indication of sphericity. A chocolate with a more spherical particle morphology may have an improved mouth feel.

Chocolate and other liquid suspensions often present major challenges for analysis with conventional microscopy instrumentation since only limited sample volumes can be measured under a cover slip. Obtaining statistically relevant quantitative data is therefore problematic. With its 2 to 6 ml interior volume and large scan area, the new wet cell overcomes volume limitations of conventional techniques.

The Morphologi G3 measures size, shape and intensity of particles for a wide range of wet dispersions and emulsions. The large volume wet cell adds to the system’s existing capabilities which include dry powder analysis and the characterization of foreign particulate material on filters.

With the Morphologi G3 for every particle measured there is a choice of 20 different parameters to describe size and shape. Software tools compare and cluster data to find differences and similarities between multiple measurements. With just a few clicks of the mouse, data is transformed into useful information, allowing the user to make decisions quickly and with confidence.

