In silico innovation for optimal drug candidates

18 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

Chimatica is a unique drug design and discovery contract research organisation. Chimatica provides bespoke in silico drug design and discovery products and services centred on high throughput computational techniques.

Using virtual screening and informatics methods, the Chimatica approach significantly reduces costs and timescales by providing drug candidates with the highest possible chance of success. Industry-leading methods for receptor docking and simulation are used to select structure-based drug design targets for laboratory testing, and large-scale pharmacophore searching and QSAR analysis are used to identify ligand-based targets.

Chimatica provides access to commercially available, proprietary and virtual chemical databases on the multi million-compound scale with predefined drug characteristics. Virtual design is used to access new compounds and create bespoke virtual libraries that allow access to new and better high calibre drug candidates for a wider range of disease.

Through the combination of industry-recognised expertise, state of the art software and proprietary large-scale computing infrastructure, the company’s advanced in silico capabilities in molecular design and simulation provide the most effective path to drug innovation. From fully outsourced projects or working co-operatively with in-house teams, Chimatica helps bridge the gap between disease targets and optimal quality drug candidates with significantly lower costs and increased potential revenues.

