In the News this Week: 2D Chromatography, Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Exoskeleton Kick-Off at World Cup
12 Jun 2014
In the news this week:
Advances in Neuroscience: Paraplegic Brazilian Takes the First Ceremonial Kick of the World Cup
A brain activity-controlled robotic exoskeleton suit, which demonstrates the very latest advances in neuroscience and neuroengineering, made its debut during the opening ceremony of the FIFA 2014 World Cup in São Paulo on June 12th. Learn more about the technology in this article.
Heart-Stopping Football: Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Arrest at the FIFA World Cup
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is defined as the ‘sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness’. Learn about FIFA’s efforts to prevent traumatic sudden cardiac events and new research into diagnostic tests.
The Effect of Hydration and Nutrition on Athlete Performance
There are many factors that can influence the hydration status of athletes at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. It is important for an athlete to be well hydrated prior to exercise, as dehydration (or hypohydration) can lead to a significant decrease in performance and can increase the risk of heat illness.
A New Technique for Separating Complex Mixtures - 2D Liquid Chromatography
In early 2014, SelectScience ran a 2D Chromatography survey among leading scientists to gauge usage and experience of this technique. The separation of unknown complex mixtures is time-consuming and a challenge for most scientists. Multi-dimensional chromatography provides a solution to this conundrum by combining fast and efficient separation using different techniques in the same chromatographic run.
Revolutionary Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery – Targeted Cancer Therapeutics Interview
Scientists have recently developed nanoparticles that deliver one or two chemotherapy drugs, but it has been difficult to design particles that can carry any more than that in a precise ratio.