In the News this Week: Innovative Drug Delivery Methods, New Dementia Research Campaign, and Scientists’ Choice Awards Voting Opens

19 Jun 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Read our top stories in the news this week:

SelectScience Opens Voting in the Scientists’ Choice Awards for Best New Clinical Laboratory Product of 2013
SelectScience is now inviting scientists to vote in the Scientists’ Choice Awards for the Best New Clinical Laboratory Product of 2013. The Scientists’ Choice Awards celebrate the best laboratory products of the year, as nominated and voted for by members of SelectScience.

New Diagnostic Test for Cancer Metastasis
A study has proven that a new diagnostic cancer test is more accurate in predicting the risk of breast cancer metastatic tumor spread than a test closely resembling the leading breast cancer prognostic indicator on the market.

Don’t Get Caught Offside With Inaccurate Test Results!
With the highly anticipated World Cup kicking off last week, football fever has taken over. Although laboratory testing is not at the forefront for many soccer fans, it has been catapulted into the spotlight with the recent news that the Brazilian laboratory due to carry out player testing has been given the red card. The world’s eyes now turn to Switzerland, to see if they can turn around test results within the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) specified time frame of 36 hours from sample collection.

Could ‘Onion’ Vesicles Revolutionize Drug Delivery?
A research group led by Professor Virgil Percec, of the Department of Chemistry in Penn’s School of Arts & Sciences, has successfully replicated the vesicle-like properties of a cell membrane. Such a structure opens up possibilities of releasing drugs over longer periods of time, with a new dose in each layer, or even putting a cocktail of drugs in different layers so each is released in sequence.

Leading Dementia Charity Launches UK Stem Cell Research Centre as Part of £100m Defeat Dementia Campaign
On the day of the first legacy event of the G8 Dementia Summit, where health leaders have gathered in London to discuss investment in dementia, Alzheimer’s Research UK pledged £100m for dementia research. The new five-year campaign – Defeat Dementia – aims to grow the research field and accelerate progress towards new treatments and preventions.

