Increase the Robustness of Quantitative MS Workflow

6 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Thermo Fisher Scientific announces new synthetic concatenated isotopic dilution standards. The Thermo Scientific AQUAPoP™ Standards are fully synthetic, heavy-labeled proteotypic peptides for use as precision quantitation and digestion standards in isotopic dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS), also known as the AQUA technique.

As pseudo digestion surrogate of the quantified proteins, AQUAPoP Standards can be used for the standardization and normalization within and between experiments. These AQUA standards provide 100 percent heavy amino acid incorporation and full control on post-translational modifications (PTMs), characteristics that cannot be matched by recombinant proteins or concatenated peptides.

AQUAPoP 2 and AQUAPoP 3 versions are available and both respectively include up to two or three proteotypic tryptic Thermo Scientific HeavyPeptides. AQUAPoP Standards are available in two precision grades: AQUAPoP QuantPro provided with ±25 percent concentration precision and AQUAPoP Ultimate with ±5 percent concentration precision.

“This innovative quantitative and digestion standard family will contribute to the robustness of the quantitative MS workflow. AQUAPoP Standards are part of our strategy to offer an integrated sample preparation solution to the quantitative proteomics community,” said Joel Louette, Commercial Director for Thermo Scientific Custom Biopolymers.
