Independent research validates the image alignment driven approach to 2D gel image analysis in Progenesis SameSpots

10 Feb 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd, the world leading developer of analysis solutions for proteomics and biomarker discovery has seen its Progenesis SameSpots software validated by independent research, which concluded that it outperformed three commercially available software packages for DIGE analysis in “terms of matching accuracy” 1.

The research compared Progenesis SameSpots v3.2 with DeCyder v6.5 (GE Healthcare) and Dymension 3 (Syngene) quantitatively and subjectively. Progenesis SameSpots was reported to perform best in both cases. The research raised some questions about the quantitative differences observed between the three software packages, which it suggested was due to their different analysis approaches1.

To support these findings Nonlinear has made previously unreleased data available on its website demonstrating the quantitative performance of Progenesis SameSpots with both DIGE and single stained spiked same-same experiments.

Will Dracup, CEO, Nonlinear Dynamics said “Progenesis SameSpots has been developed to reduce error in quantitation, make your analysis more objective and allow you to be confident in any results. This paper highlighted some differences in quantitation between competing software packages so we released internal data to demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces variation, which means improved quantitative precision. Each experiment was analysed automatically with no editing so the results can be reproduced easily in your own lab to assess the technical variation of your own system”.

The publication of research by Imperial College London's Institute of Biomedical Engineering and the release of internal validation data by Nonlinear are being promoted ahead of new versions of Progenesis SameSpots being released later this year.

Dracup concluded “We are proud to have independent research validating the unique workflow driven approach to 2D gel image analysis. We are continuously developing our proteomics analysis solutions and we’ll be releasing new versions of the complete Progenesis range this year, adding new features to the alignment driven approach for LC-MS, MALDI and 2D gel analysis that we already provide.”

1 Comparison of Three Commercially Available DIGE Analysis Software Packages: Minimal User Intervention in Gel-Based Proteomics,
Yunyi Kang, Tanasit Techanukul, Anthanasios Mantalaris and Judit M. Nagy, J. Proteome Res., 2009, 8 (2), pp 1077–1084, Publication Date (Web): January 9, 2009
