Innova Biosciences Launches the Second Part of the Go Direct! Campaign to Raise Awareness of Primary Antibody Labeling

23 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Direct labeling of antibodies greatly simplifies immunodetection techniques. Without the problems of crossover and/or non-specific binding from secondary reagents it is far easier to obtain high quality results in techniques such as flow cytometry, ELISA, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The Lightning-Link™ labeling range consists of over 40 different labels including enzymes, fluorescent proteins/dyes, tandems, biotin and streptavidin.

There are many benefits associated with direct labeling of a primary antibody:

• Eliminates the need for the use of secondary antibodies thus reducing the number of incubation and wash steps – saves both time and money
• In experiments whereby several antibodies are used simultaneously, cross species reactivity is not an issue as the primary antibodies can be labeled with different dyes
• Commercial sources often do not have the correct antibody conjugated to the required label. By directly labeling the antibody of interest yourself, this hurdle is easily overcome

For a timed demonstration video of the Lightning-Link™ antibody labeling process, please visit the Innova Biosciences website via the Company article page link top right of this page.

