Innovative, applications-focused HPLC systems at Pittcon 2008

7 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

ESA Biosciences, Inc., a Magellan Biosciences company and leader in novel HPLC systems that improve results for pharmaceutical development and QA/QC, life science, and analytical chemistry customers worldwide, will highlight its products, applications expertise, and customer support program at Pittcon 2008 in New Orleans, USA.

Visitors to the ESA Booth 5851 will see versatile, applications-focused systems designed to help scientists do their jobs better, faster, and easier - whether they're performing critical ion measurements, doing free-radical biology research to uncover the biological mechanisms of health and disease, or analysing impurities for manufacturing QA/QC. Data focused on many of these applications will be available for customers to discuss with ESA experts at the ESA Knowledge Center, a new feature in this year's booth.

"Our technology and products are compelling," said Magellan President and Chief Executive Officer, Robert J. Rosenthal, PhD. "And we recognise that, today, customers need more: they're looking for a reliable partner that will be there for the long-term to provide strong applications knowledge, service, and product support. We want to be that partner. That's why customer focus is the hallmark of everything we do. We encourage attendees, when they stop by the booth, to make an appointment for the Knowledge Center. There, you can sit down with an ESA scientist to discuss your analytical challenges and your Customer Care needs - or peruse detailed technical presentations on a variety of applications."

Equally suited to the methods-development laboratory and the factory floor, ESA's Corona CAD system reliably measures compounds, independent of molecular structure, to low-nanogram levels. Charged Aerosol Detection [CAD] is a robust HPLC detection technology that delivers advanced capabilities to every HPLC-user lab. Besides excellent sensitivity, the Corona CAD shows consistent inter-analyte response independent of chemical structure, enabling quantitation across a range that exceeds four orders of magnitude. This breakthrough detector can effectively analyse a wide diversity of chemical structures and important classes of molecules - from small organic molecules, proteins and peptides, to ions, carbohydrates, lipids, and polymers. The Corona CAD makes methods development, validation, and transfer fast and easy for a wide range of life-science research applications and industries: pharmaceutical, chemical, polymer, food and beverage, oil/petrochemical, etc.

ESA's high-sensitivity Coulochem® and CoulArray® detectors are core to the most robust, flexible, and cost-effective electrochemical-detection systems available today - all designed to achieve the highest level of performance. ESA systems are easy to implement, easy to run, and easy to maintain - so scientists can spend their precious time doing research with their instruments, not on their instruments. ESA will show a range of electrochemical cells, including its latest that includes a unique Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) working electrode, ideal for life-science researchers looking to effectively and efficiently analyse thiols, disulfides, and related compounds. The BDD cell provides excellent sensitivity and durability, while eliminating the problems (fouling, high background, and mobile phase oxidation) associated with traditional ECD sensors, enabling scientists to apply the benefits of ECD to measure a vastly expanded list of compounds. ESA's new, high-efficiency, high-capacity Synthesis cells now make it easy to synthesise significant quantities of difficult-to-obtain metabolites from a variety of parent compounds, saving time and improving results in profiling studies of drug metabolites.

