Innovative design advances for RNAi screening of human druggable genes

23 Oct 2006

QIAGEN, the market leader in whole genome siRNA sets, has taken another step forward for RNAi screening of the human druggable genome with the launch of the Human Druggable Genome siRNA Set V3.0.

This set provides state-of-the-art siRNA design and the most current genome database coverage enabling highly potent and specific knockdown of ~7000 genes of potential therapeutic value. It is provided in flexible scales and formats to suit specific screening requirements. Subsets targeting 490 GPCR genes, 696 kinase genes, or 205 phosphatase genes are also available.

siRNAs in the set are designed using HP OnGuard siRNA Design which incorporates an innovative neural-network algorithm and proprietary homology analysis. New features include design of siRNAs to target the most up-to-date sequences from NCBI, 3' UTR/seed region analysis, SNP avoidance, and interferon motif avoidance. siRNA design is reinforced using the results from QIAGEN’s validation project in which thousands of siRNAs have been tested for effectiveness by real-time RT-PCR. Data from Affymetrix® GeneChip® analysis is used to minimize the potential for off-target effects.
siRNAs are provided as individual siRNAs or pools for maximum flexibility. Either 2 or 4 individual siRNAs can be ordered for each gene at 0.25 nmol or 1 nmol scales allowing independent confirmation of phenotypes with multiple siRNAs. Alternatively, pools of 2 or 4 siRNAs can be ordered at a total of 0.5 nmol or 1 nmol respectively.

The Human Druggable Genome siRNA Set V3.0 is provided with complete siRNA sequence disclosure at no extra cost. All rights to any invention or discovery developed by researchers using these sequences belong to the researcher, allowing complete freedom for discovery.

