Instrument to Produce Nanoparticles

2 Mar 2007

Applied Separations, Inc, Allentown, PA has announced a new instrument that is capable of producing nano, micro and macro sized particles of consistent size and morphology. Producing compounds with consistent particle size is done can be accomplished using a model of the Helix line of SCF instruments.

Compounds can be produced with a very narrow particle size range using supercritical fluids (SCF). Sometimes only the supercritical fluid is used and other times other solvents or aqueous solutions are used in conjunction with a SCF. Compounds produced in this manner eliminate the need for subsequent grinding and sizing. The use of SCF particle generation techniques find applications with inorganic compounds as well as organic. The range of industrial applications spans pharmaceuticals, macromolecules, nutraceuticals and natural products, cosmetics and fragrances, foods, coatings, polymers, and specialty chemicals.

This model of the Helix produces particles using the most popular particle producing techniques: RESS – rapid expansion of a supercritical solution, GAS (or SAS) – gas anti-solvent (supercritical anti solvent), PCA (ASES) – Precipitation by compressed anti-solvent, (Aerosol Solvent Extraction System), and PGSS – Particles from gas saturated solutions (or suspensions).

