Introducing the New DANI PeakBlade 77 GCxGC Modulator

Bring your multi-dimensional GC/MS applications to a new level of efficiency and performance

18 Mar 2015
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

DANI PeakBlade 77 is a new concept in GCxGC modulation. Without using liquid nitrogen, PeakBlade 77 is able to reach down to 77 Kelvin, opening analysis of the most demanding molecules and allowing fast chromatography and sharp peaks.

PeakBlade 77 cuts chromatographic peaks to unfold their complexity and to allow comprehensive insight into sample composition.

Driven by an innovative cryo-cooler system, a cool tip connects to the cryo-focusing area of the GC x GC system, allowing an effective focusing process inside the GC oven. The system features an innovative heater design, which allows ultra fast vaporization of cryo-focused molecules resulting in ultra- narrow peak bandwidth.

DANI PeakBlade 77 brings GCxGC modulation to a new level:

  • No liquid nitrogen (or other coolants) required to operate down to 77K
    • Cost savings
    • No hassle to order (or risk to run out) liquid N2
  • As much as 450°C delta between temperature of the cold tip and the GC oven when oven is at 350-400°C
  • Analysis of compounds down to C3
    • Best in class performance only achieved by liquid N2-based systems
  • Conductive heat/ cold transfer to the modulator for process effectiveness and unsurpassed chromatographic efficiency
    • Unique design. Everyone else uses convection. PeakBlade 77 is in direct contact with the cryo-focusing area allowing fast transfer of heat and cool.
  • Choice of different vaporizations’ ramp rates & optional programmable vaporization based on analytes’ characteristics
    • Unique feature. PeakBlade 77 can use different vaporization temperatures to adopt to different compounds and this can be programmed during the run. Better chromatography, better compound recovery.
  • Selectable target areas/ compounds for different modulation rates
    • Possibility to change modulation frequency in n target peaks (or time zones) to better select sensitivity vs peak-cutting
  • Any choice/ combination of columns
  • Available as part of the DANI Master GCxGC TOF system
    • With its 1,000 spectra/sec the DANI Master TOF is the ideal detector to fit with PeakBlade 77 that demands high sampling rates to exploit its maximum potential
  • Suitable for most GCs in the market
  • Ideal for ultra fast GCxGC TOF analysis

DANI PeakBlade77 has an aggressive industrial design developed by a famous sport cars designer and uses carbon fiber components.

The product will be available for shipment from DANI Instruments in June 2015.

