Jackson ImmunoReseach Announces Four Colour Imaging using DyLight Conjugated Secondary Antibodies

27 Apr 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories Inc has recently added DyLight 405 to its extensive range of conjugated secondary antibodies. DyLight 405-conjugated antibodies are excited maximally at about 400 nm and fluoresce with a peak at about 421 nm. They are very bright and photostable, but their use is limited to confocal microscopes equipped with a 405 nm laser and appropriate emission filter.

It is now possible to perform effective four colour imaging with excellent colour separation, good photostability and high sensitivity in both aqueous and permanent mounting media.

The combination of DyLight 405, DyLight 488, Rhodamine Red-X and DyLight 649 maximises colour separation.

