JASCO Releases the New SF-4000 Series SFC Systems

Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Solutions

20 Aug 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

JASCO has announced the New SF-4000 Series Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Systems. The SF-4000 series of reliable SFC systems provides increased productivity in both chiral and achiral chromatography, from simple analytical separations for routine analysis and method development through to preparative systems at scales using from 1cm to 3cm.


With up to two modifier pumps and six solvent selection units, modifier selection is very flexible and enables rapid screening of a range of columns using different solvent conditions completely automatically. The SFC-4000 has a range of column oven arrangements that can house as low as 2 columns for simpler configurations, and ovens that can accommodate up to 10 columns for more complex configurations - each with separate temperature control, great for combining chiral and achiral SFC in a single system. Take advantage of the PDA detector combined with the CD-4095 chiral detector to work up fast analytical methods for direct scale-up to semi-prep and prep separations.


The SP-4000 semi-prep hybrid SFC system crosses the divide between analytical SFC and prep SFC offering the best of both worlds. With flow rates from approx. 1 mL/min up to 20mL/min this system can be used with 4.6mm columns for high quality analytical separations and with 10mm columns for excellent sample purification. Use the SP-4000 hybrid with our new MD-4010 PDA detector with high performance SFC flow cell to get unparalleled sensitivity. Or choose a prep cell for scaling with high column loading.

PREP SFC – PR-4088

The dedicated PR-4088 Prep SFC system is designed for large scale throughput with 21 or even 30mm columns to maximum sample preparation. This system is versatile enough to be used for smaller scale prep with 10mm columns. Interchangeable modifier pumps can be configured to give highly accurate modifier compositions. JASCO SF-NAV software provides complete integrated control for flow rate, sample injection and fractionation.

The heart of the systems are JASCO’S patented back- pressure regulator, which allows control of system pressure regardless of solvent composition and flow rate. The solvent delivery system is based on the proven performance of our reciprocating pumps developed over 40 years; the new PU-4380 pumps deliver up to 120ml/min of CO2 and up to 80 ml/min of modifier and flush solvents at pressures up to 35 MPa (5000 psi). Sample Injection can be manual or fully automated with a choice of high capacity autosampler or JASCO’s unique ‘no-loss’ high speed LVI injection system. Automated Stacked injections provide maximum sample throughput in the shortest possible time while also minimizing solvent consumption. Detection choices include UV and/or CD and with MS interface.

The rugged and reliable SF-NAV Process control software is designed to make fully automated operation simple and intuitive with monitoring and recording of all data and system parameters such as chromatograms and temperatures as well as pump, column and BPR operating pressures.

