Jubilee CBS 100 – CAMAG Bibliography Service for TLC available

5 Jun 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

In its 50th year of business CAMAG Switzerland, the leading solution provider for instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography published the 100th issue of CBS.

The CAMAG Bibliography Service CBS dates back to 1965 when CAMAG founder Dr. Dieter Jaenchen had the forward-looking idea to support customers regularly by providing abstracts about recent TLC publications in addition to information on the latest development in the field. CBS 100 focuses as well on the new ground that Planar Chromatography continues to break and features articles on coupling HPTLC-MS and effect directed analysis by HPTLC/Bioluminescence.

Hardcopies of the jubilee CBS 100 can be ordered from the CAMAG website (www.camag.com) as well as downloads of single articles and abstracts.

The updated database Cumulative CBS 100 (complete collection of all past abstracts) is available for free from CAMAG’s website by visiting the Article webpage.

Currently the compilation includes more than 8000 abstracts of publications on TLC and HPTLC.

