Karolinska Institutet Utilizes G:BOX Chemi XX6 in DNA Vaccine Research to Make Quantifying IR Fluorescent Viral Antigens Faster and More Accurate

14 May 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, today announced its new G:BOX Chemi XX6 is being used by scientists at the Karolinska Institutet for multiplex imaging of IR fluorescent viral proteins on Western blots. This is contributing to rapidly providing researchers there with accurate information on the efficacy of hepatitis B and hepatitis C DNA vaccines.

Researchers in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden are using a G:BOX Chemi XX6 multi-application imager to analyze viral antigens on multiplex Infrared (IR) fluorescent Western blots. Since IR fluorescence is directly proportional to the amount of antigens present on Western blots, this is allowing scientists there to accurately quantify the amount of viral antigen being expressed, and is helping them to determine the efficacy of different types of hepatitis B and C DNA vaccines to be tested in in-vivo mouse models.

Laura Sullivan, Syngene’s Divisional Manager, commented: “We are delighted that our new imaging technology is helping researchers at the Karolinska to speed up quantification of viral antigens in this vital research. Scientists wanting an accurate method of analyzing multiplex IR fluorescence proteins on Western blots should join this well-respected medical university and consider trialing a G:BOX Chemi XX6 imaging system in their laboratory.”

