Knauer Nano Flow Cell Wins Industry Award

29 Jun 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

The UV nano flow cell with fiber optics technology from KNAUER received the Best of Industry award 2017 from Huber Verlag für Neue Medien GmbH.

The KNAUER fiber optics technology allows the nano flow cell to be spatially separated from the detector. This allows the flow cell to be placed at an optimal position within the nano-LC or micro-LC system. Placing the flow cell directly at end of the column minimizes extra column volume, which improves peak sharpness as well as the separation. This makes the nano flow cell ideal for nano-LC-MS, which today is often carried out without additional UV detection, due to bad peak shape.

Today, economic and ecological solutions are more in demand than ever before. In analytical liquid chromatography, this challenge can be overcome by using micro- or nano-LC methods. These methods allow for very short analysis times and low consumption of solvents. This results in savings of energy and resources, two points that are also very important to KNAUER.

Learn more about the KNAUER here.

