KNAUER newsletter now in electronic form

12 Jul 2007

Many members of the German-speaking chromatography community are familiar with the "KNAUER report", the newsletter published since 1995 by the Berlin-based scientific instrument manufacturer KNAUER. The most recent issue had a circulation of 25,000 copies. Due to increased interest from customers, both domestic and international, KNAUER will be distributing its newsletter exclusively in electronic form. The KNAUER report will now be known as the KNAUER e-report and will be distributed through e-mail in English and German to customers worldwide.

Dr. Alexander Bünz, General Manager of KNAUER explains: "with an electronic version of our newsletter we can reach our international customers as quickly and easily as our customers in Germany. Our readers can now also contact us more conveniently without the need for mailing or faxing to us the reader response card. We will take full advantage of the benefits of electronic media such as more flexibility in text length and easier distribution."

Along with the new method of distribution, the KNAUER newsletter will also be getting a design overhaul, thanks to a well-known Hamburg design firm. The newsletter will be accompanied by a professionally designed "microsite" (a mini-website dedicated to the newsletter). In the next few weeks the 19th issue of the KNAUER newsletter will be available, with significantly more content and a completely new look.

"We want to provide our readers with an interesting and useful source of information for HPLC and related separation techniques, as well as to keep our customers informed of the latest product developments from KNAUER," says Oliver Gültzow, Marketing Manager. "The interactivity and linkability of the information provided in the KNAUER e-report will provide our customers with a faster and easier way to stay informed.”

The new KNAUER e-report will be distributed 4 times per year and will have special emphasis on applications using KNAUER products. The experience of our international distributors will also be showcased in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the application areas of analytical and preparative LC systems, HPLC columns, HPLC software and other laboratory instrumentation. Upcoming events such as trade fairs, symposia or training sessions will also be announced in the newsletter. Past issues of the KNAUER e-report will be available in an online archive so that older issues can be viewed at any time.

You can subscribe to the KNAUER e-report by visiting the article webpage.

