LABVOLUTION 2019: Time to Plan Your Workshop Visit!
Details of the workshops offered at the Lab USER Dialogue on all three days of LABVOLUTION 2019 have now been released
12 May 2019
An excellent chance for visitors to handle products, try them out, and talk serious shop with industry professionals: That’s what the new Lab USER Dialogue at LABVOLUTION is all about.
Six companies have booked their workshop slots, and are now preparing an exciting program for visitors to the show. The workshop rooms in the Conference Area of Hall 19 in Hannover offer a unique opportunity to explore products and solutions in small groups and in a focused atmosphere – making for a far more immersive learning experience than is possible on the busy exhibition floor.
The workshop lineup for Tuesday, 21 May, consists of sessions hosted by Mettler Toledo (10 a.m. to 12 noon), Sartorius (12.30 to 2.30 p.m.) and Analytik Jena (3 to 5 p.m.). The workshops on Wednesday, 22 May, are organized by Carl Zeiss (10 a.m. to 12 noon), Integris (12.30 to 2.30 p.m.) and Perkin Elmer (3 to 5 p.m.). On Thursday, 23 May, there will be two workshops: Perkin Elmer (10 a.m. to 12 noon) and Mettler Toledo (12:30 to 2:30 p.m.). There is no charge for attending the workshops, and prior registration is not required.
The Lab USER Dialogue includes also two additional formats. Firstly, it offers a series of one-hour product presentations, which are more concise than the workshops and will also be held in the Conference Area of Hall 19. A list of more than 40 presentations can be found on the LABVOLUTION website. And secondly, the Lab USER Dialogue is supplemented by a panel discussion, which takes place on the Tuesday of the show, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., in the smartLAB lecture forum, situated right on the floor of the exhibition hall (Stand D16). Seven renowned players from the scientific community and industry will be coming together to talk about the opportunities and challenges arising from digitization and automation in the laboratory. Speaking from a user perspective will be Dr. Thorsten Teutenberg, Head of the Research Analysis Department at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), and Dr. Kerstin Thurow, Head of the Institute of Automation Technology at the University of Rostock. Representing manufacturers will be Christian Völk, Head of Marketing at Düperthal, and Dr. Hans-Joachim Muhr, Head of SPG UV/VIS at Mettler Toledo. Also invited to the table are two more industry experts: Mathis Kuchejda, Chairman of the Association of Analytical, Bio and Laboratory Technology at the German high-tech industry association Spectaris, as well as Burkhard Schäfer, author and Managing Director of BSSN Software. The panel discussion will be chaired by Dr. Arne Kusserow and Dr. Christina Poggel from the specialist scientific publisher Wiley-VCH.
Keep an eye out for more news from next week’s event in Hannover, Germany, on SelectScience.
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