LAUDA, the World's Market Leader, Presented its Pioneering Equipment and Solutions on Two Exhibition Stands
LAUDA, the World's Market Leader, Presented its Pioneering Equipment and Solutions on Two Exhibition Stands
16 Jun 2015
The LAUDA exhibition presence at ACHEMA 2015 was right at the heart of the future. This family company demonstrated its innovative capacity as a worldwide leading manufacturer of constant temperature equipment and installations with a whole range of new devices.
After almost 60 years of successful company history and development, the company nowadays has around 420 employees and a turnover of more than 60 million Euros. This worldwide leading market position is underscored by a total of eleven foreign companies that stand for market presence and customer service.
Forward looking, for LAUDA, is not only consolidation of the existing market position, but also considerably more. It is the continuous improvement of very important strategic capabilities. On the one hand, early detection of relevant market changes and the associated opportunities, and, on the other hand, also the capability to react rapidly and flexibly to these changes with new solutions. This process-oriented and customer-oriented way of thinking is characteristic of the family company, guided by Dr. Gunther Wobser as CEO. This is also the way it is intended for the future.
ACHEMA 2015 is the twentieth time that LAUDA has had a presence, since the first time in 1958. Innovation has always been at the very start, such as the presentation of the world's first microprocessor thermostats in 1982. Participation in ACHEMA 2015 once again means the presentation of outstanding innovations. The world premiere of the new LAUDA PRO thermostat line was just such an innovation. A removable Multi-Touch Display, an energy-saving air/water hybrid cooling system and the use of natural refrigerants are the characteristics of this new product line.
They also showed the new LAUDA Kryoheater Selecta - a powerful process thermostat with energy-saving cascade cooling and high-pressure pump. The LAUDA Microcool circulation chiller line is further extended by the new MC 350. A quality product from LAUDA with a very good price/performance ratio. They would specifically point out the magnetic coupled pump, having a discharge pressure of 0.35 bar.
One way of discovering new aspects can be initiated by company takeovers. The acquisition of the US company LAUDA-Noah in Vancouver in September 2014 was executed with the clear aim of incorporating products based on Peltier technology into the portfolio. Consequently, thermoelectric thermostatting will be an additional highlight of LAUDA's exhibition presentation.
The compact LAUDA Ultracool process circulation cooler, conceived for OEM and industrial applications will also be a highlight. At an ambient temperature up to 50 °C, this process circulation cooler proves its reliability at a working temperature range from -5 to 25 °C.
"ONE with the FUTURE" - the LAUDA exhibition motto at ACHEMA 2015 also points the way ahead for the advice and support intensive business area of heating and cooling systems. The industrial future requires more and more new concepts for ever more complex challenges as a result of its permanent progress. Performance and reliability these days need, more and more, to be in harmony with energy-efficiency and increasing environmental awareness
By using cutting-edge technology, over the last three years LAUDA has managed to reduce the quantity of fluorinated refrigerants it uses by 40 percent. This means that LAUDA, as a world market leader for constant temperature equipment and installations, can offer its customers the optimum solution for their specific application, taking into account the Directive (EU) 517/2014, which came into effect on January 1 2015, concerning fluorinated green-house gases. LAUDA provides services relating to refrigerants for all plant and equipment over the entire product life-cycle and supports customers during operation, e.g., by carrying out any necessary leakage inspections.
With the founding of LAUDA Scientific GmbH - a wholly-owned subsidiary of LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG - a significant strategic course was set, at the beginning of the year, for the company's future. "For me it's an absolutely logical step for us to put our own particular mark on the worldwide expanding business area of measuring instruments. The entrepreneurial foundation is the LAUDA product range for measuring instruments, that is successfully established on the marketplace, together with the values of reliability and long-term vision associated with the LAUDA company name", so Dr. Gunther Wobser LAUDA Scientific GmbH will be presenting two new units to the trade at the five-day exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. The TD 3+ is a user-friendly tensiometer for determining threshold and surface tension. The Duo.Visc measuring instrument is also brand new. The Duo.Visc is compact and space-saving and permits precise standardized viscosity index measurement using two thermally isolated baths.
Realignment of the successful worldwide marketing of viscometers, tensiometers, viscothermostats and sample preparation systems for precise analysis of polymers, plastics and oils is the declared aim of the new subsidiary, whose headquarters are also at the Lauda-Königshofen facility in Tauberfranken.
"ONE with the FUTURE" is the absolute logical derivation for LAUDA of a living company identity, that provides answers to questions about thermostatting and of tomorrow, whilst simultaneously also presenting new innovative measuring instruments.