Launch of 2.1um Particle for HPLC

18 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Fortis Technologies has today announced the launch of its new 2.1um particle for use in Ultra High Pressure Chromatography (UHPLC). Manufactured from a pure silica template, 2.1um Fortis C18 will offer the analyst all of the resolution gains of small particles without the need to move below 2um in size.

“We believe that the exponential pressure increase below 2um particle size does not lead to an exponential gain in efficiency, therefore by staying above this with the use of a 2.1um particle we are offering the analyst the same efficiency with reduced backpressure.” says Ken Butchart the companies R&D director. This also leads to the ability to use these particles on traditional LC systems to achieve increased efficiency over 3 and 5um particles.

Available as C18 chemistry initially the range will be expanded to include the companies other innovative bonding technologies allowing the analyst the ability to separate complex mixtures by selectivity as well as efficiency.

2.1um Fortis C18 is fully scalable to 3 and 5um particles for those wishing to have full method development flexibility.

