Launch of 3µm Fortis Phenyl

29 Apr 2007

Fortis Technologies has today announced the launched of 3µm Fortis Phenyl, this additional particle size adds the option for increased sensitivity and resolution to the excellent selectivity already provided by the unique bonding chemistry of its Fortis Phenyl product.

Fortis Phenyl is built upon an alkyl chain with a diphenyl functionality allowing for multiple mechanisms of interaction to occur. Steric, hydrophobic and pi-pi interactions are all possible with this stationary phase chemistry, allowing the analyst optimum resolution with no need for complex mobile phase systems. Even under generic gradient conditions alternate selectivity and resolution can be provided in contrast to that of alkyl chain C18 and C8’s.

Stability in MS and LC have been proven to be exceptionally stable, with no MS bleed reported in standard operating conditions. Therefore allowing the analyst confidence in the sensitivity and baselines achieved.

