LC Separation of Positional Isomers

17 Apr 2007

Fortis Technologies has produced applications showing how its unique di-phenyl phase can separate positional isomers. Applications include steroids such as hydroxyestradiols, as well as small benzoic acids and nicotinamides, which are all resolved from their positional homologues.

Using a unique bonding chemistry of di-phenyl functionality atop an alkyl chain allows the analyst resolution capabilities not previously available.

Steric selectivity, hydrophobicity and pi-pi interactions are all available in order to achieve improved resolution.

Other analytes and metabolities can be retained and resolved using Fortis Phenyl with very different selectivity to alkyl chain C18 stationary phases. Other critical separations have also been shown where simple metabolite changes such as loss or addition of a hydroxyl group or a chlorine atom occur.

You can request more information about Fortis Phenyl and its interactions mechanisms or other product solutions by contacting Fortis Technologies.

