LECO Honored with Pittcon Award

27 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

A panel of scientists and industry journalists has honored the Citius™ LC-HRT (High Resolution TOFMS) from LECO Corporation with the prestigious 2011 Pittcon Editors’ Gold Award. This award signifies the most innovative product introduced at Pittcon, the world's annual premier conference and exposition on laboratory science. The Citius LC-HRT was selected from the many new products presented by nearly 1,000 exhibitors at the show.

The Citius LC-HRT’s no-compromise approach to resolving power, acquisition rate, mass accuracy, and sensitivity were noted by panel members as something that has not yet been achieved by anyone else in the industry. The system utilizes LECO’s Folded Flight Path™ (FFP™) technology to provide full-range mass spectra at speeds of up to 200 spectra per second, and resolutions of up to 100,000 with mass accuracies of less than 1 ppm. The versatility of available ESI, APCI, and DESI (desorption electrospray) ionization sources complement its high-performance MS capabilities and unchallenged dynamic range.

