LECO to Feature Instrumentation for Macro Nitrogen/Protein Samples at Pittcon 2010

22 Feb 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Stop by both 1521 and see the latest innovations from LECO. On display this year will be the TruMac™ N Macro Determinator, perfect for analyzing Nitrogen/Protein samples up to 3 grams in as little as 4 minutes. There will also be Monday afternoon poster session, where the poster Combustion Nitrogen/Protein Determination in Food Matrices Using a Macro Sample Mass, will be presented.

With the TruMac™ N Macro Determinator little or no sample preparation is required for heterogeneous or difficult-to-prepare samples thanks to large, reusable ceramic boats. A horizontal ceramic combustion system using pure oxygen with a maximum temperature of 1450oC ensures the complete oxidation of macro samples. The TruMac also features a 50-position autoloader for the unattended analysis of solid or liquid samples. Ideal for meats, soils, feeds, and starches, the TruMac offers compliance with AOAC, AACC, AOCS, and ASBC methods of analysis.

For more information on the TruMac, be sure to attend the show’s Monday afternoon poster session, where the poster Combustion Nitrogen/Protein Determination in Food Matrices Using a Macro Sample Mass, will be presented by Mason Marsh, LECO’s Organic Product Line Manager.

Additional products featured at the show will include instrumentation for GCxGC, GCxGC-TOFMS, and GC-TOFMS; elemental determination in organic materials; primary analysis of organic constituents such as moisture, gross calorific content, fat, and ash; and elemental determination in metals/inorganic materials.

