Leica Microsystems to Sell Expression Pathology's Non-Contact Microdissection Slides

10 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Rapid, gentle and contamination free laser microdissection, directly into sample buffer, is now possible with the combination of Leica Microsystems’ state-of-the-art laser microdissection system Leica LMD6000 and Expression Pathology’s innovative DIRECTOR™ glass slides. A sales agreement between the two companies now gives scientists the opportunity to buy both the instrument and the slides from Leica Microsystems worldwide.

DIRECTOR™ slides bring a whole new level of speed and accuracy to laser microdissection, allowing collection directly into a vial, while eliminating the need for plastic membrane-coated slides or sticky caps. These membrane-free slides employ a proprietary energy transfer coating bonded to a glass support. UV-laser energy is converted to kinetic energy upon striking the energy transfer coating, vaporizing it, thereby propelling selected features into the vial. All laser energy is absorbed by the coating so sensitive molecules such as RNA or DNA are not damaged.

DIRECTOR™ slides are inert to a wide range of chemical and thermal conditions. They can be autoclaved, and are stable in organic solvents such as xylenes. The slides can be rendered sterile or RNAse-free with any standard method. They show no autofluorescence and are optically neutral, making them ideal for applications requiring fluorescent stains, as well as applications requiring DIC or polarized light.

The Leica LMD6000 and the DIRECTOR™ slides are a perfect match. The two combine to offer the only system that does not require other sample-harming laser energy for the transport process. The LMD6000 software has been updated to take full advantage of the DIRECTOR™ slides.

