Liquid–Liquid and Solid Phase Extraction - all on one system with SPEEDY

10 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The extraction of biological or chemical substances of interest from samples is still a major process in many analytical approaches. While solid phase extraction (SPE) has evolved considerably over the years, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is still regarded as a low cost yet well-proven and efficient technique for analyte extraction.

SPEEDY from Zinsser Analytic can fully automate the two extraction processes on one platform. SPEEDY provides state-of-the art hardware tools for SPE, such as digitally controlled elution rates using positive or negative pressure, flow rate measurement and the ability to handle all types of SPE hardware (sorbents in disks, microplates or cartridges of varying capacities - 1, 2, 3, 6 ml, etc.). Specific parameters can be set for each sample to achieve the maximal binding of analyte to sorbent, which is dependent on the nature of sample (viscosity, loading volume) and the solvent used.

LLE with various solvents is also available on SPEEDY using either a single tube vortexer for large volume extractions, or a multiposition vortexer for smaller volumes, both of which can vortex up to 1800rpm. Solvents are dispensed rapidly via a 6 way-valve. SPEEDY detects the different heights of the organic / aqueous phases and aspirates the phase of interest accordingly. SPEEDY can also prepare the chromatography vials required for the analysis of extracted analytes; preparing any dilutions required, sealing the vials, and finally the option to load samples directly from the workbench through an injection port.

