Lonza Introduces Clonetics® Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells & RtEGM™ Growth Medium

13 Jun 2010
admin admin

Lonza is pleased to announce the availability of cryopreserved Clonetics® Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial (hRPE) Cells and optimized RtEGM™ Growth Medium BulletKit® for ophthalmologic research including age-related macular degeneration, retinistis pigmentosa, and gene expression profiles of RPE.

Lonza now provides these highly specialized cells with optimized growth medium based on proprietary isolation techniques developed by Lonza Walkersville's Research and Development group. Clonetics® HRPE cells are sold at passage 2 and guaranteed through 5 additional population doublings. Cells are also tested for cell-specific performance in the RtEGM™ Retinal Pigment Epithelial Growth Medium. Performance markers include ≥ 90% positive for pancytokeratin, ≤ 10% positive for fibroblast contamination, ≥ 90% for tight conjunctions, and ≤ 1% positive for endothelial marker CD31.

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is comprised of hexagonal cells organized into a monolayer that is densely packed with pigment granules. RPE cells play a critical role in visual function and photoreceptor viability.

For more information on this product or to place an order, please visit the Lonza website.

