Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent: a sweet song for gene silencing

18 Sept 2006
Olivier Zelphati
Chief Scientific Officer

OZ Biosciences is pleased to announce the launching of a new lipid-based transfection reagent for siRNA experiments, highly efficient at low doses of siRNA and avoiding non-specific effects.

Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent is the ideal reagent dedicated to the transfection of siRNA. Based on an innovative technology, this new lipid-based reagent achieves extremely efficient siRNA delivery into cells. Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent protects siRNA from extracellular degradation and has an outstanding capacity to destabilize cells membrane, allowing delivery of important siRNA amounts into the cytosol.

Transfection is very efficient and highly reproducible, even with low doses of siRNA. Lullaby® allows high gene silencing levels in various conditions: cells, concentrations, targets, culture conditions, etc. It has been clearly shown that high concentrations of siRNA can cause off-target effects. Thus, 1 to 20nM siRNA concentrations are ideal for transfection. Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent is efficient starting from 0.1nM siRNA and optimal at 5 to 10nM, avoiding non specific effects.

