LUNA SCX (Strong Cation Exchange) – Consider The Alternative Unique Selectivity Can Outperform The Typical C18 HPLC Column

14 Aug 2006
Kerry Parker

Because most SCX phase HPLC columns show poor peak shape and bad resolution, chromatographers tend to ignore this important phase, and instead favor the typical choice of a C18 or C8 column for method development of nitrogen-containing compounds. Now there is a real alternative that works. Luna SCX from Phenomenex offers:

  • Excellent resolving power and sharp peak shape in the separation of complex cationic/basic and nitrogen-containing compounds.
  • 5 and 10µm 100Å columns and bulk media are available for analytical and preparative separations.
  • Validated reproducibility is assured by 25 QC tests presented in a Materials Validation Document that accompanies each column.

The unique selectivity of the Luna SCX phase (based on benzene sulfonic acid) makes it ideal for the analysis of chromatographically-difficult, nitrogen-containing compounds such as:

  • Morphine and codeine alkaloids
  • Cough and cold compounds
  • Drugs of abuse

