Maintenance Free Hydrogen Generator

3 Oct 2006

A unique new system requiring no maintenance, for safe and efficient generation of laboratory hydrogen is now available from Analytik Ltd in the UK and Ireland.

The new NMH2 series of hydrogen generation systems are ideal for applications involving gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, supplying hydrogen required in chemical synthesis reactions (eg. hydrogenation) and many other laboratory applications. Maintenance free means there is no longer any need to replace old fashioned desiccants as the NMH2 series use unique new palladium auto drying technology.

  • Highest H2 quality with 99.9999% - Others claim the same, but in reality cannot reach it due to desiccants they need, resulting in higher O2 (40 ppm) and moisture (10 ppm) impurities.
  • No caustic solutions are required as with many other gas generation units.
  • NMH2 is the only hydrogen generator which allows simple cell repair. The cell can be fully disassembled (only 5 parts) and parts simply replaced if required. All other hydrogen generators would require replacement of the entire cell, a very costly exercise, typically around 50% of the purchase price of a replacement generator. Cells in any hydrogen generator can tend to break down because of poor water quality used, contaminated lab atmosphere etc.
  • No hydrogen bleed – a common problem with most other conventional hydrogen generators.
  • Higher pressure specification (10.5 bar) than any other unit currently available.
  • The only hydrogen generator which allows cascading of multiple units and centralised control with built-in master/slave software.
  • Option of remote control through a PC or another smart interface (RS-232 or RS-485).
  • Very large water reservoirs with option for an even larger one if required.
  • Continuous H2 flow without interruption because no gas tanks or cylinders need to be changed.
  • Highest purity because there is no risk of contamination during gas tank or cylinder changes. There simply are no gas tank or cylinder changes!
  • No safety issues as with gas tanks or cylinders because the maximum quantity of H2 at any time is just a few ml and at a relatively low pressure.
  • Automatic shut-off valve after internal alarms such as leaks in the pipes to the GC or other instrumentation.
  • Stand-alone concept enables complete independence from central gas supplies.
  • Very simple to install - requires minimal operator attention.

