Malvern Scientists will Lead Protein Characterization Workshop at PEGS Summit

8 May 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Drs Kevin Mattison*, Ulf Nobbmann and Jason Sanchez of Malvern Instruments will lead a workshop on ‘Characterization techniques for protein therapeutics’ - at the 7th Annual PEGS - Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit being held in Boston MA, from 9-13 May 2011. As a corporate sponsor, Malvern Instruments will also be exhibiting and company experts will be on hand to discuss light scattering, size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and dynamic imaging technologies.

The workshop will cover the theory and general application of both traditional and emerging technologies suitable for protein therapeutic characterization, across the applicable size range of 1 nm to 100 µm. Participants will seek to answer questions such as: What’s the difference between Tm measured by DSC, CD, & DLS? Can DLS be used to confirm SEC results? What’s the relevance of protein charge on formulation stability? Can particle counting be achieved in the 100 nm to 1 µm size range? What role does protein aggregate “morphology” play?

Malvern solutions for characterizing proteins and other macromolecules include: the Zetasizer µV with OmniFACE and OmniSEC, a new SEC-LS detector package dedicated to protein analysis; Zetasizer Nano systems, which use dynamic and static light scattering to measure size and molecular weight; Viscotek size exclusion chromatography systems/detectors for molecular weight and molecular structure characterization; Sysmex FPIA-3000 for dynamic imaging, size and shape characterization of protein aggregates.

For details of Malvern’s protein solutions visit the company article page.

*Kevin Mattison is Principal Scientist, Bioanalytics; Ulf Nobbmann is Senior Applications Specialist, Nanometrics; and Jason Sanchez is Product Manager GPC/SEC Technologies, all at Malvern Instruments.

