Malvern Zetasizer Nano provides particle characterisation solution at new Micro Nano Technology facility

20 Aug 2006
Kerry Parker

A Malvern Zetasizer Nano particle characterisation system is one of a number of analytical solutions available to researchers at BegbrokeNano, a new UK centre offering facilities for materials characterisation to companies involved in the exploitation of Micro Nano Technology. Located at Oxford University Begbroke Science Park (Oxford, UK), BegbrokeNano was opened officially on 26 July 2006.

In developing this new facility, the Department of Materials, University of Oxford has joined forces with leading instrument manufacturers to provide a dedicated solution for the analysis of micro and nano scaled materials and structures. BegbrokeNano is supported by the DTI under the UK Micro and Nano Technology Network (MNT), offering the MNT community access to unrivalled facilities for materials characterisation.

Dr Alison Crossley, Manager of BegbrokeNano said: “This new centre will offer state of the art facilities to companies developing nanotechnology, and build on our aim to further the links between science and industry.”

Malvern’s Zetasizer Nano is used widely for the comprehensive characterisation of nano sized particles. Its unique technology allows measurement of particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight in a single, easy to use system.

