Markers for COVID-19 disease progression: Comprehensive LC-MS characterization of the metabolome

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about the recently launched Xevo G3 QTof system and discover how it is solving problems that matter

24 Apr 2023
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant
Clare Mills, professor of molecular allergology at the University of Manchester, and Dr Jayne Kirk, a principle product manager at Waters
Clare Mills, professor of molecular allergology at the University of Manchester, and Dr. Jayne Kirk, a principle product manager at Waters

If you are wanting to characterize a range of analytes with LC/MS or are interested in high-throughput, benchtop QTof technology to help solve problems in your lab, then you will not want to miss this webinar now available on demand. In this webinar, featuring Dr. Jayne Kirk and Professor Clare Mills, you will learn about the Xevo™ G3 QTof system from Waters and discover how it is solving problems that matter.

Dr. Jayne Kirk, a principal product manager at Waters with over 18 years’ experience in LC/MS instrumentation, technologies, and software, introduces the Xevo G3 QTof, an analytical workhorse for the detailed characterization of biomolecules and processes. Clare Mills, professor of molecular allergology at the University of Manchester, discusses the use of an LC/MS metabolomics approach to profile serum from COVID-19 inpatients, using the Xevo G3 QTof. Professor Mills describes how to identify and characterize prognostic biomarkers to support the development of mass spectrometry rapid clinical screening tools. Watch this webinar to also hear more about characterizing immune dysfunction as a consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Watch on demand

Discover how the Xevo G3 QTof system provides comprehensive characterization of analytes

The latest generation of the Xevo product line extends the simplicity and range of characterization, from challenging small molecules to complex biotherapeutics. Updates to the ion optics design provide consistent robustness and performance, with incorporation of core technology for comprehensive quantitation capabilities. Centered around an expanding array of informatics tools, Dr. Kirk will explain how the Xevo G3 QTof has your lab covered, and enables complete confidence in your results.

Develop an understanding of LC/MS and its use in metabolomic and lipidomic studies, delve into the world of omics, and learn how to identify statistically relevant markers for disease

Professor Mills explains how the Manchester Allergy, Respiratory and Thoracic Surgery (ManARTS) tissue bank opportunistically collected COVID-19 patient samples, with the aim to understand molecular mechanisms in COVID-19 through LC/MS multiomics approaches – they were able to enroll 420 subjects during the early wave of the pandemic. She then discusses the importance of stratified clinical information in terms of disease severity, as well as excellent mass spectrometry equipment, in biomarker discovery. She then outlines the sample processing protocol, as well as the LC and MS conditions, used in this study. Finally, Professor Mills explains how to identify statistically relevant markers for disease, and discusses the impact on patients.

You can watch the full webinar here>>

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