From news to application articles, discover the latest advances and methodologies in polymers and plastics
29 Jun 2018
Lui Terry
Administrator / Office Personnel
In recent months there have been some fascinating developments in the polymer research sector of materials science. From the development of crystalline 2D polymers to optimized nanoscale imaging of polymers, SelectScience® brings together all the latest news, application notes and videos in the Polymers & Plastics Community.
In the News – The Latest in Polymers & Plastics CRYSTALLINE 2D POLYMERS: “Filling a Century-Long Gap in Polymer Science” High quality, crystalline organic polymers have long been sought after in the field of polymeric materials. Researchers at Northwestern University have now demonstrated a two-step growth process that produces organic polymers with crystalline, two-dimensional structures. The precision of the material’s structure and the empty space its hexagonal pores provide will allow scientists to design new materials with desirable properties. Find out more here: Northwestern Researchers Achieve Unprecedented Control of Polymer Grids >> INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA RELATIONSHIPS: Advancing Polymer Science with Trusted Technology The field of polymer analysis is challenging and technically demanding, both for the researcher and the technology provider seeking to deliver the perfect analytical solution. It is a mutually beneficial and dependent relationship in which one pushes forward the other. Over the past 20 years Dr. Rafael Cueto of Louisiana State University has built a relationship with Wyatt Technology Corporation, allowing him and his research team to solve ever more complex problems. Find out more here: Forging a Long-Term Relationship with a Trusted Technology Provider >> ABBA POLYMERS: Revealing the Detailed Structure of Conductive Polymers with Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy Conductive polymers have excellent application in semiconductor electronics and photovoltaics as they are essentially molecular wires. Until recently, determining the microstructure of these polymers has been incredibly difficult. Now, researchers from the University of Warwick have developed a new method to reveal sub-molecular resolution of the polymer backbone, exposing the unexpected ABBA polymerisation error in the process. Find out more about the new method here: New ID Pictures of Conducting Polymers Discover a Surprise ABBA Fan >> In the Lab – Application Notes and Methods OPTIMIZED IMAGING: Helium Ion Beam Microscopy for Polymeric Materials Scanning electron microscopy is not well suited for imaging polymers, often the complex three-dimensional structure cannot be translated at high resolution and damage can be induced to the sample. Helium ion beam’s offer a high-resolution alternative to electron microscopes due to the unique interaction between the helium ion and the sample. Discover the advantages of Helium Ion Microscopes in this comparison application note by ZEISS Microscopy: Imaging Polymers with a Helium Beam >> THERMOPLASTICS: Characterizing Polymer Melts with Rotational or Capillary Rheometry? An understanding of melt flow behaviour is vital for those working with thermoplastics. Both rotational and capillary rheometry can be utilized to reveal information on the properties and characteristics of a polymer. Learn the differences of these techniques and how they could be useful to you in this introductory application note by Malvern Panalytical: Measuring the Rheology of Thermoplastic Polymer Melts >> At Your Desk – Videos for Your Coffee Break BENIGN BY DESIGN: Developing Novel Polymers for 3D Printing Applications In this SelectScience video, find out how scientists like Professor Timothy Long & Professor Christopher Williams at Virginia Tech develop and characterize new materials designed for advancing additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies. Watch here: Novel Polymer Development for 3D Printing Technology >> SCALE-UP: Increasing Polymer Product with a ReactoMate The amount of product produced can often be the rate-determining step in research. With not enough sample to complete all essential analysis, the safe scale-up of reactions is therefore required. Find out how Prof. Steve Rannard's Nanomedicine Research Group of the University of Liverpool safely and efficiently scale-up their polymer synthesis with the help of Asynt’s ReactoMate. Scale-Up Reactor for Polymer Science Research >> Receive more great content like this straight to your inbox, become a member for free today!