Matrix iPlanner- Instrument Booking System

18 Feb 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

A new “instrument booking” system module is available for Autoscribe’s Matrix Gemini LIMS. The system allows for the automatic allocation of sample-tests to the appropriate instrument within constraints which include the booking of pre-requisite tests, test order, sample availability dates and instrument capacities. The benefits of employing this new module are more efficient use of expensive automated equipment and the ability to better balance the workload to meet testing deadlines. The instrument plan can be viewed over desktop or browser clients. Instrument bookings are displayed on a plan which is colour coded to represent either an empty instrument, a partially used instrument, an instrument at capacity or an offline instrument. The view of the instrument plan can be expanded / compressed so that the user can view a wider or narrower date range.

Instruments are shown on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. At each interval where a booking is present the bar either displays the number of sample tests booked and the capacity (e.g. 4/10 showing 4 samples tests booked on an instrument with a capacity of 10) or “Offline” in the event of an instrument being offline for maintenance or calibration etc. When an instrument booking is highlighted a list box gives details of the samples to be run on that instrument at that time point. Samples can be moved from one instrument booking to an alternative date using a point and click system.

