MCO-19M CO2 Incubator from Sanyo Provides Control of O2 and N2 Gas Concentrations

12 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The SANYO MCO-19M CO2 Incubator provides extremely accurate control of the environment within the incubation chamber. CO2 is measured using a dual Infra red solid state sensor that is not affected by humidity or temperature changes when the incubator door is opened.

In addition to this, the CO2 sensor continually remains in calibration at all times without the need for timed recalibration procedures. O2 is measured using a solid state zirconium sensor that is maintenance free, thereby removing the need for constant recalibration. CO2 and O2 levels are controlled using a PID controller to ensure rapid recovery without excessive overshoot of the chosen gas-level set-points.

A stable and uniform temperature is provided within the chamber using SANYO’s Direct Heat Air Jacket system which is PID controlled to ensure rapid recovery after a door opening. The even distribution of temperature throughout the chamber contributes to the shelf to shelf reproducibility of your investigations.
Contamination control is less of a concern with the SANYO MCO-19M.The interior of the chamber is manufactured from InCuSaFe - a copper-enriched stainless steel alloy which expresses a natural germicidal attribute, inhibiting growth of moulds, fungi, mycoplasma and bacteria. Decontamination therefore, takes place all day, every day, automatically without disruption to your routine or your samples.
For critical applications the UV-Safe automatic decontamination systems can also be added. This optional UV Illuminated air duct automatically maintains contamination free air and humidity within the chamber. UV-Safe is safe for your cells since it is non-ozone producing and the UV-light is not incident on your cell cultures.

For applications where GMP procedures require additional decontamination systems, the unique SANYO Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination system can be used. This type of decontamination system is extremely effective and extremely fast since a complete cycle only takes 130 minutes rather than several hours, or overnight, like some heat decontamination systems require. The Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination System is also safe to use since the H2O2 vapour is contained within the incubator and is broken down at the end of the cycle to water and oxygen. The Door Interlock also adds to the safety of this system. Samples are further protected by the inbuilt alarm systems.

