Measuring contaminants and degradants with Charged Aerosol Detection...

23 Jan 2006

ESA Biosciences, has released new technical data demonstrating how their award winning Corona™ Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD™) delivers the analytical performance necessary to accurately perform demanding trace analyses.

The HPLC detector uniquely enables the application of universal HPLC detection to challenging areas such as impurity testing, degradant analysis, excipient characterisation, and analysis of non-chromophore materials.

With Corona CAD, low levels (less than 0.02%) of all types of impurities or degradants in samples can be measured. Both absolute and relative measurements of the components of mixtures can be made, and even the most complex and heterogeneous samples can be analysed. The Corona CAD is very easy to use, and can be successfully deployed in virtually any analytical environment.

Corona CAD's revolutionary technology is applicable for almost any type of compound, including pharmaceutical compounds , carbohydrates , proteins and peptides, lipids,
industrial chemicals and polymers.

With Charged Aerosol Detection, the HPLC column eluent is nebulised and the resulting droplets dry at ambient temperature producing analyte particles. A second stream of gas is positively charged as it passes a high-voltage, platinum corona wire. The charged gas collides with and transfers charges to the opposing stream of analyte particles. A negatively charged, low-voltage ion trap removes high-mobility particles while analyte particles transfer their charges to a collector. The charge transferred to the collector is in direct proportion to analyte mass.

ESA, Inc., is a leading manufacturer and supplier of analytical instruments for the life science, clinical diagnostic, drug discovery and pharmaceutical industries. Founded in 1968, ESA offers a complete line of HPLC systems, components, and advanced detectors, along with a broad range of analytical services.

For further information on the Corona CAD and a copy of the trace analysis technical data please contact ESA Biosciences.

