Metabolon Launches mView

12 Jun 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Metabolon, Inc., the leader in metabolomics-driven biomarker discovery and analysis, announced today the availability of mView™, a data-rich biochemical profiling service for scientists in academic and government institutions.

mView will leverage the power of Metabolon’s platform technology in a format designed for academic and government labs. Offering online study submission and rapid completion times, mView represents an economical opportunity to answer important biological questions.

“We recognize the unique needs of the academic and government sectors for metabolomic-based analysis. mView is designed to provide these investigators with an affordable, global analysis of hundreds of analytes in a sample,” commented John Ryals, chief executive of Metabolon. “A high degree of precision and quick turn-around also helps to achieve important research goals and complete grant submissions.”

Metabolon’s validated platform technology, the backbone of all Metabolon’s services and diagnostic offerings, offers global analysis and identification of hundreds of biochemicals (the metabolome) in complex biological samples. It provides a detailed comparison of how biochemicals change in response to experimental variables as well as sophisticated statistical analysis for detecting significant changes across those biochemicals.

Ryals continued, “As a result of our significant progress in automating the generation of biochemical data, Metabolon is now able to offer the mView service. We believe that this new offering is an important step in bringing practical, cost-effective metabolomic solutions to academic and government researchers.”

To submit study specifications, receive detailed pricing and to learn more about Metabolon’s mView services offering, please visit the Article webpage.

