Metrohm Develops Cost Calculator to Highlight Savings Achieved by using New ASTM Method D8045
20 Dec 2016
Metrohm is proud to announce the release of a new calculator that helps refineries define their cost savings when using a new method developed by the ASTM. Recently published method D8045 utilizes thermometric titration for Acid Number (AN) determination in crude oil and petroleum products. Acid Number is an important quality parameter and is used to determine a refining value for crude oil.
Compared to the traditional and well-known ASTM method D664, which utilizes potentiometric titration for Acid Number determination in crude oil, laboratories that run D8045 save by lowering the amount of solvent required. A laboratory that runs just 25 crude oil samples per day will save an average of over $30,000 per year in solvent costs. The calculator is customizable by adjusting sample and solvent cost values for each laboratory and can be accessed by visiting
In addition to these significant cost savings, D8045 is also much faster than D664, completing the analysis in 1 minute as opposed to 3 minutes for D664. Sensor conditioning or maintenance are not required.