Metrohm Offers Fully Automated Inline Eluent Preparation On Demand (EPOD)

8 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Metrohm announces a new way of extending intelligent ion chromatography (IC) systems to perform any unattended inline eluent preparation through using the 800 Dosino and the 849 Level Control. Fully controlled by MagIC Net, the 849 Level Control monitors the eluent level while the 800 Dosino performs all dosing and liquid handling tasks.

The Dosino automatically dilutes a concentrate with ultrapure water and subsequently transfers it to the eluent bottle. With a dilution factor of 20, a two-liter bottle of concentrated eluent translates into an unattended running time of a whole month. Is it reliable? Yes, in a test, consecutive injections of a 250 µg/L muli-anion standard over a 21-day period revealed an outstanding retention-time stability.

