Metrohm's new advanced Comapct Ion Chromatography system

29 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The 861 Advanced Compact IC from Metrohm is a superior chromatography system for routine analysis or novel research. The electromagnetically shielded cabinet is built with top-quality Swiss components and delivers the highest performance. Though a compact machine, it can realise exception results at µg l-1 detection limits.

Analysis is always possible using a single instrumente configuation, whether the analytes of interest are anions, cations, or organic acis. With the Metrohm ethos of flexibility, all chemistries can be performed to meet current or future needs. Simple customisation is possible by changing the separation column and eluent and conditioning for around 30 minutes. Complete control of the IC is through the intuitive IC Net Software.

Every 861 Advanced Compact IC comes with the following features as standard:

• Performance – Each and every Metrohm IC can be used to run anions, cations or organic acids with a change of eluent and column. From µg l-1 to g l-1, Metrohm has a solution with over 500 IC Application Notes and a complete range of Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation (MISP) technologies available to solve difficult sample matrices. Swiss performance ensures no laboratory downtime regardless of whether the IC is used once a fortnight or each and every day.
• Sensitivity - Unrivalled by any other manufacturer. The best pump, detector and negligible suppressor noise guarantee the lowest detection limits attainable when compared against similar specified instrumentation.
• Reliability - All instrument components manufactured in-house in Switzerland to the most demanding of specifications honed during 60 years of Ion Analysis development.
• Running costs – Totally transparent at point of purchase and proven to be lower than any other supplier’s. Metrohm is the only supplier to offer a chemical suppressor with a 10 year warranty as standard for a reason.
• Support - The support team from Metrohm UK have in excess of 200 years of experience dealing with Metrohm instruments to ensure comprehensive technical support both pre and post purchase.
• Price – Special introductory offers and "Lease" options are available upon request should short term cash flow be an issue.
