Metrohm USA Announces 2015 Young Chemist Award Winner
2 Mar 2015
Metrohm USA and Metrohm Canada are pleased to announce the winner of the 2015 Young Chemist Award, Chad Atkins. Chad is completing his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia where he works under the supervision of Robin Turner and Michael Blades.
Chad’s research uses Raman spectroscopy to assess the degradation of stored red blood cells to measure age-related changes in stored cell breakdown. By measuring samples through the storage bag the possibility of contamination is reduced. Confirming the viability of stored red blood cells prior to transfusion leads to a more successful patient outcome.
“Metrohm has a history of giving back to the scientific community,” said Edward Colihan, President & CEO of Metrohm USA. “This year we saw a record number of applications for this award, demonstrating ingenuity and a passion for solving very practical problems. We are proud to support the next generation of scientists.”
This is the third year Metrohm USA and Metrohm Canada have awarded the $10,000 Young Chemist award, continuing their philanthropic support and commitment to the advancement of science. Chad will present a short overview of his work at Metrohm’s press conference at Pittcon 2015 on March 9 at 4pm in Banquet Room 356, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans.
The Young Chemist Award is open to all graduate, post-graduate and doctorate students residing and studying in the U.S. and Canada, who are performing novel research in the fields of titration, ion chromatography, spectroscopy and electrochemistry.