Michelson Diagnostics Announces Upgraded OCT Product

21 Jan 2008

Cancer imaging technology company Michelson Diagnostics Ltd has announced release of upgrades to its ground-breaking EX1301 OCT microscope. The upgrades provide higher imaging resolution, 3D image capture capability, and improved capture frame rate. Researchers will now be able to establish even more detailed real time, sub-surface information from the images.

The EX1301 is now available with the Santec-2000-W wide-sweep laser, which provides an increase in the sweep range from 100 nm to 150 nm. The result is improved axial resolution and isotropic pixel size reduced from 6 µm to 4.5 µm (in tissue).

3D image capture is possible with the motorized stage option, enabling researchers to analyze 3D datasets and produce en-face images and 3D rendered graphical models of their samples.

Michelson has also improved the processing system with faster algorithms and electronics, resulting in a tripling of the frame rate – the EX1301 achieves 2.9 fps for a 4.5 mm wide, 1000 A-line image.
