Michelson licenses multi-beam OCT technology from Toronto researchers

19 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Medical imaging technology company Michelson Diagnostics Ltd (MDL) has signed an exclusive, worldwide license to a powerful biophotonic approach patented by the University Health Network (UHN), Toronto, Canada.

The patent covers the use of multiple optical beams to extend the depth of focus and improve imaging performance in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). This overcomes a major drawback of Fourier domain OCT imaging, that of limited transverse optical resolution: for example, a four-beam OCT system will provide twice the lateral spatial resolution of a conventional single-beam system.

“The potential advantages to a clinician of higher resolution OCT imaging are very significant”, said professor Alex Vitkin, leader of the OCT research group in the Division of Biophysics and Bioimaging at the Ontario Cancer Institute, UHN. “Clearer images with more detail will enable faster, more accurate clinical decisions for improved patient outcomes, and will also result in substantial healthcare savings through shorter procedures and reduced follow-up costs”.

MDL and the UHN Toronto team are collaborating to demonstrate the multi-beam technology using in-vivo flexible probes in animal imaging setting, working towards its implementation in patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy. The primary inventor, Dr. Victor Yang, a medical doctor and an optical engineer, will be closely involved with the project to ensure success.

“We are very pleased to be working with the world-leading OCT research team at UHN,” said Jon Holmes, CEO of Michelson Diagnostics Ltd, “and we are looking forward to getting in-vivo results by the UHN team, using the MDL engineered probe, from the gastrointestinal tract in the first part of 2008.” He added “The commercial and clinical potential for OCT for early cancer detection and diagnosis, and for treatment guidance and monitoring, is enormous. We believe that the licensed technology will enable Michelson Diagnostics to maintain market leadership in this rapidly expanding field.”
