Millipore’s Q-POD™ Unit Provides the Best Water Quality for Specific Applications

30 May 2006

Millipore today announced the new purification strategy behind Millipore’s Q-POD unit, the remote dispenser of the Milli-Q® Advantage system.

The last water purification step is performed at the outlet of the Q-POD unit by a specific POD Pack, which removes contaminants critical for specific experimentations just before the water leaves the system.

The unique features and benefits of this new water purification strategy include:

  • Minimizing the risk of purified water recontamination after the most critical purification step
  • Adapting the water quality quickly and easily by simply exchanging the consumable
  • Dispensing several ultrapure water qualities tailored to very specific applications from one system

The POD Packs are customized to meet the user’s needs. Typically, the validated BioPak™ ultrafiltration cartridge is used for pyrogen- or nuclease-sensitive applications. The Millipak® filter is used for regular laboratory and chromatography applications.

Up to three Q-POD dispensers can be used per system at different locations within 10 feet of the Milli-Q production unit. Flow rates vary from low flow to 2L/min. Users can dispense the water manually or set a pre-defined volume.

The Q-POD unit eliminates the need to attach tubing at the outlet of the end of the filter, which compromises water quality. Additionally, each unit has a graphical user interface comprised of numeric values and symbols that can be used in all geographies. A printer can be connected to the side of the Q-POD unit for recording purposes.

